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We are currently alternating between in-person and online every Wednesday at 6:15pm, ending at 7:30pm (online) and 7:45pm (In-Person).

Visiting SFTM


Are you interested in membership?

Can you attend meetings regularly?

Will you actively participate in our club?


Our capacity is limited and we expect our guests to align with our goals and objectives.  Click below to understand our membership process and what we expect of our future SFTM Members.


Currently, we are welcoming guests to online meetings. If space permits, guests may also attend in-person meetings after registering in advance using the form below.

Our online meetings start promptly at 6:15pm and end at 7:30pm.  We ask our guests to introduce themselves in 2-3 sentences before we break for intermission.



Our meetings consist of three main sections:

1.  Prepared Speeches

2.  Evaluations

3.  Impromptu speaking (aka "Table Topics")

A Toastmaster facilitates the meeting, beginning with an overview of our meeting agenda and introducing our supporting roles.

Get to Know Us
After our in-person meetings, we gather nearby for drinks and food.  Join us for some evening fun!

Meeting Details

Visit Form
Request a Guest visit to SFTM

San Francisco Toastmasters

Located in the San Francisco Financial District

Every Wednesday, 6:15-7:30pm

Visits by Invitation Only - No Late Seating   

Meetings alternate between online and in-person

San Francisco Toastmasters is a 501(c) non-profit.


SFTM Website Committee 2015: Terry Joyce (Webmaster), Lindsay Li (Design)

SFTM Website Committee 2012: Laure Williams, Nat Ruangrongsorakai, Will Lyon, Juan Pablo Puerta, Andrew Schleming, Stafford Jacobs III

SFTM PR Committee 2012: Andrew Schmeling, Laure Williams, Cindy Yu, Kumar Pritam (homepage video), Albert Law (photography)

Nicola Rider (Wix Template)


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