Becoming a Member of San Francisco Toastmasters
We are one of the largest and most successful Toastmasters clubs in San Francisco.
Our reputation for excellence and our supportive club culture has boosted our popularity among our community.
Interested in Membership? Review the Steps Below
Visit Us: Attend 3 or More Meetings as a Guest

We have a large influx of guest requests, which tends to result in a wait list. Please be patient and anticipate a few weeks of waiting before you will be able to attend one of our meetings.
All visits must be confirmed by our VP of Public Relations
Apply for Membership: Become a Candidate

After attending 3 or more meetings as a guest, you may apply for membership.
We are looking for candidates who will:
Attend weekly meetings most Wednesday evenings.
Actively participate during meetings and volunteer for meeting roles.
Aspire to becoming an officer (1 year term, with a commitment of 2 hours per week).
and/or look for other ways to contribute to club culture
Become a Member: Pay Your Dues & Begin Your Journey

Candidates for membership are considered in members-only votes, typically conducted every two months.
If elected to membership, the candidate becomes a member-elect. Upon paying the new member fees & dues sent by the treasurer, the member-elect is officially an ASSOCIATE MEMBER of San Francisco Toastmasters for a 6 month trial period. Becoming a FULL MEMBER is contingent upon active engagement with the club.
See the table below for membership fees.
What you pay depends on the month you join. You'll pay initiation fees, and prorated dues through March. In February or March, we will also collect regular member dues for the coming year (April through March of the following year).
Please remember that we are a community based club with a focus on maintaining a friendly, safe space for our members to develop their speaking & leadership skills. Members that do not contribute to this mentality may be voted out of membership in the club.
SFTM Membership Dues